Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero

At first I thought this blog was going to be just about video series online, but I'm quickly remembering that the point of the internet and 4th Generation Media is that it's not limited to moving pictures.

Year Zero is more work than just downloading videos, but it's engaging and compelling for the most part. It's a network of web sites and 'happenstances' that, like a good mystery movie, peak your curiosity and pull you down the rabbit hole. The first thing that got me hooked was this audio clip which is pretty cool. (yeah, you gotta get past the silly 'monologue' to get to the point of the clip).

After that, I was a little disappointed with references to standard conspiracy cliche's of "what are they putting in the water" (fluoride?) and "how to carve a tracking device out of your arm." It's a little annoying because that's the kind of stuff that makes the whole thing more fake... if anyone actually reads the news, there's plenty of real stuff that'll freak you out. Plus mixing in real stuff with the kooky stuff discredits the real problems we're facing with keeping our governments in check.

This is at least partly the work of 42 Entertainment, now famous for their i love bees Halo 2 launch.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot... all of this surrounds the launch of a NIN album.

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